Support conditions for the Qiming China Program(启明计划)

Support conditions for the Qiming China Program(启明计划)

1. Application conditions and scope

2025 China Qiming Plan, Torch Plan, Ruijin Plan, Yangtze River Scholars, Overseas Outstanding Youth Application

Application conditions and scope

The “Qiming Plan” includes innovative talent projects, entrepreneurial talent projects and young talent projects.

(1) Innovative Talent Project

The innovative talent project supports outstanding overseas professional and technical talents and senior management talents (including non-Chinese foreign talents) introduced by local state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Applicants should generally obtain a doctoral degree and meet one of the following conditions:

Professional technical talents and business management talents who hold senior positions in foreign enterprises, or talents who have become the main technical and commercial partners of domestic enterprises.

Experts and scholars who hold positions equivalent to associate professors or above in foreign universities and scientific research institutions, and have high scientific research levels and strong scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

Technical talents who have mastered key core technologies in the industrial field or can solve product production process problems.

(2) Entrepreneurial Talent Project

The Entrepreneurial Talent Project supports entrepreneurs who have returned to China (including non-Chinese foreign talents) who have mastered leading technologies. Applicants should generally have obtained a degree overseas, stayed in China for no more than 6 years (returning to China after January 1, 2017), and their business has been established for more than 2 years and less than 5 years (from January 1, 2018 to January 1, 2021). During the period), the product has core technology and is in the pilot or industrialization stage. He is the main founder of the enterprise and the largest shareholder or the largest natural person shareholder. Meet one of the following conditions at the same time:

Possess internationally leading technological achievements, or be able to fill domestic gaps, with great potential for product development.

Have overseas entrepreneurial experience or have held middle and senior management positions in foreign companies, and have strong business management capabilities.

Independently innovative products with broad market prospects will receive investment from venture capital institutions.

(3) Young Talent Project

The Young Talent Project supports outstanding overseas young talents (including non-Chinese foreign talents) introduced by local state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Applicants should generally have a doctoral degree, be under 40 years old (date of birth after January 1, 1985), work in the fields of natural sciences, engineering technology, etc., have formal positions in well-known overseas universities, scientific research institutions, and corporate R&D institutions, and have continuous Worked for more than 36 months. For those who have obtained a doctorate degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the work experience requirements may be appropriately relaxed.

(4) Other conditions

Applicants for innovative talents and young talents should have not yet returned to China (come to China) to work full-time, or will return to China (come to China) to work after January 1, 2022. After being introduced, they must resign from their overseas jobs or have no job overseas, and return to China (come to China) full-time. Hua) working for no less than 3 years. After being selected, entrepreneurial talents must resign from their overseas jobs or have no job overseas.

For urgently needed talents with particularly outstanding performance or who are engaged in research in “stuck” key core technology fields, the application conditions such as age, academic qualifications, and working experience can be appropriately relaxed.

Candidates who meet the above application conditions and have applied but were not selected for the Qiming Plan or other departmental talent plans in previous years can continue to apply for the 2023 Qiming Plan.

Applicants must abide by the relevant regulations on avoiding duplication of funding between undertaking national talent plans and not applying against different levels. During the support period of the relevant talent plan, they are not allowed to apply for other talent plans of the same level. After the support period, they are generally not allowed to apply again for the same level. Other talent programs. Applicants are not allowed to apply for other talent plans of relevant national departments at the same time. Once the above circumstances are discovered, the application qualification will be canceled and dealt with seriously.

2. Support and guarantee policies

(1) The government finance will provide a one-time living subsidy of 1 million yuan to each person selected for innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and a one-time living subsidy of 500,000 yuan to each person selected for youth projects.

(2) The selected talents will enjoy support policies related to pension medical care, children’s schooling, salary and benefits, etc.

(3) Encourage all localities and units to strengthen supporting support for the “Qiming Plan” based on actual conditions. Provincial, municipal, and district-level finances are matched on a 1:1 basis in accordance with national policies. The overall support fund for talents selected for innovation and entrepreneurship projects is about 5 million yuan, and the overall support fund for talents selected for youth projects is about 2.5 million yuan.

3. Application requirements

(1) Applicants rely on state-owned enterprises and private enterprises in various places to declare according to the national economic industry.

(2) The local competent authorities should guide relevant units to strengthen the review of applicants’ materials to ensure the authenticity of the materials and the completeness and accuracy of the information reported, and to eliminate fraud.

(3) The applicant fills in the application form and attached materials, and is recommended by the employer to the local competent authorities. Supporting materials should include:

(1) Scanned copy of ID card or passport; (2) Scanned copy of academic qualifications and degree certificates; (3) Scanned copy of work contract or letter of employment intention signed with the employer; (4) Documents proving work experience; (5) Hosting (participation) ) Project certification materials; (6) Scientific research achievement certification materials; (7) Enterprise qualifications and related honors; (8) Exception explanation materials (submit exceptions to application conditions); (9) Other materials that need to be submitted, etc.

(4) Each competent department shall submit electronic versions of application materials through special collection procedures, including application forms, attachment materials, and summary tables. The relevant paper materials that need to be submitted are: declaration form (stamped with the official seal of the unit or enterprise), summary sheet (stamped with the official seal of the competent department).

(5) Local competent authorities will usually submit application materials to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Personnel and Education Department) at the end of March or early April.

4. Contact

Qualified overseas talents, please prepare personal basic materials through the following contact information.

(1) Scanned copy of ID card or passport; (2) Scanned copy of academic qualifications and degree certificates; (3) Materials proving work experience; (4) Materials proving hosting (participation in) projects; (5) Materials proving scientific research achievements (papers, books) , patents, reports, etc.); (6) Other materials that need to be submitted, etc.

If you have any questions, you can contact Director Zhou via Twitter, Telegram, or Email.

Contact information:

Mr Zhou

Director of Talent Office China International Talent Net



China International Talent Net » Support conditions for the Qiming China Program(启明计划)


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