Support conditions of the Huoju Plan(火炬计划)

Support conditions and policy requirements of the Huoju Plan

I. Application scope and conditions

(I) Application scope.

Innovative talents introduced by national key laboratories and local laboratories (including non-Chinese foreign talents).

(II) Candidate conditions.

1. Abide by the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, adhere to the scientific spirit, strictly observe scientific research integrity, and have no academic misconduct;

2. The research direction should be at the forefront of world science and technology, meet the major needs of national economic and social development, belong to the key areas covered by national major science and technology projects, science and technology innovation 2030-major projects, national key R&D plans, etc., and meet the needs of laboratory construction;

3. Generally, a doctoral degree should be obtained;

4. Professional and technical talents who hold positions equivalent to associate professors or above in famous overseas universities and research institutions, have high scientific research levels and strong scientific and technological innovation capabilities, or hold senior positions in internationally renowned companies. Assistant professors, assistant researchers, lecturers and below, as well as postdoctoral fellows and general technical personnel are not eligible to apply;

5. Applicants have not returned to China (or come to China) or will return to China (or come to China) to work after January 1, 2024; After being introduced, they must quit their overseas jobs or have no jobs overseas, and return to China (or come to China) to work full-time for no less than 3 years;

6. For urgently needed and scarce talents with outstanding performance or engaged in research in the field of “stuck neck” key core technologies, the application conditions such as academic qualifications can be appropriately relaxed;

7. Applicants who meet the above conditions and have applied for the 2024 “Torch Plan” or other departments’ talent introduction plans but have not been selected can continue to apply for the 2025 “Torch Plan”.

(III) Mutually exclusive requirements.

Applicants must comply with the relevant regulations on avoiding duplicate funding between national talent plans and not applying in reverse levels. During the support period of the relevant talent plan, they shall not apply for other talent plans at the same level, and generally shall not apply for other talent plans at the same level after the support period ends. Applicants shall not apply for other talent plans of relevant national departments at the same time.

II. Application Materials

Required materials include:

(1) Copies of academic qualifications and degree certificates;

(2) Copies of ID cards or passports;

(3) Copies of employment contracts or employment intention letters signed with employers;

(4) Proof of overseas employment;

(5) Copies of scientific research achievements;

(6) Proof of projects hosted (participated in);

(7) Laboratory approval certificate;

(8) Other materials required to be submitted.

III. Application channels and requirements

1. National key laboratories built by units affiliated to the central and state organs shall be reported to the Ministry of Science and Technology by the personnel departments (bureaus) of various departments.

2. Other national key laboratories and local laboratories shall be reported to the Ministry of Science and Technology by the provincial science and technology management departments of various localities.

IV. Support and guarantee measures

1. A one-time living allowance of RMB 1 million will be given to each selected talent, and a research funding support of RMB 3 million will be given to each selected talent engaged in research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering technology in universities, scientific research institutions and other public institutions for a period of 3 years.

2. Selected talents will enjoy support policies in terms of pension and medical care, children’s schooling, and salary and benefits.

Contact information:

Mr Zhou

Director of Talent Office China International Talent Net





China International Talent Net » Support conditions of the Huoju Plan(火炬计划)


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